About us
The Story So Far…
Sherlock Audio Canada started out many years ago by me, as a “side project”, manufacturing, on an occasional basis, custom & unique, one-off items that were needed by musicians. Since that time, as word spread, demand, and the advent of the internet, Sherlock Audio has evolved, offering musicians an ever growing range of “home grown” innovative products. Today, when a growing number of brand name manufacturers are sending their designs to the other side of the planet to be produced off-shore in an effort to be the cheapest on the block, Sherlock Audio still chooses to design & build all their own products “in-house” right here, in North America.
In an age where where most people have been raised to believe that only “high tech” can be used to perform even the most menial of tasks (what next? Digital Soap-on-a-Rope?) with a high concentration of micro-processing and massive parts count, our approach is always to find a simpler solution. By using a wide variety of skills and experience, coupled with clever design principles and applying these, Sherlock Audio has been able to offer musicians products that are simply, better. Simple IS better!
Gilles Grignon
Sherlock Audio Canada
"The Mission"
To design, manufacture & introduce to the marketplace, innovative & useful products for the music & audio community while providing continuing employment for the North American workforce.